Heap must be a complete(almost) binary tree.
Types of Heap:
Max Heap -> For every node parent > child
Min Heap -> For every node parent < child
Height ->
log(n) Always
Insertion(Max heap):
Insertion is done by following steps:
- Insert element in the last of array or the tree form
- Compere and swap the the parent until reach to the parent greater than element or reach the root
Some examples of Insertion
1. Insert element 40 in given tree
Step 1: Insert 40 at last
swapped 5 and 40 as 5 < 40
swapped 20 and 40 as 20 < 40
2.Insert element 35 in the above tree:
Step 2: Swap until reach greater parent or root
Here swapped 20 and 35 as 20 < 35
Swapped 30 and 35 as 30 < 35
No more swap required as parent 40 > 35, so this is the final tree.
Array -> arr
First empty position -> n
int parent(int i){return (i-1)/2;}void Insert(int data){arr[n] = data;int i = n;while(i > 0 && arr[i] > arr[parent(i)]{swap(arr[i],arr[parent(i)]);i = parent(i);}n++;}
Time Complexity: log(h)h = height of tree i.e. log(n)as this is a complete binary tree
Deletion(Max Heap):
Delete element with maximum priority, for Max heap it will be maximum element
Deletion is done by following steps
1. Select the root element and replace it with last element and delete last element
2. Choose the greatest child select it
3. If the selected child is greater, swap element with child and jump to step 2 else jump to step 5.
4. If element become leaf node then jump to step 5
5. Exit the program
Some example on deletion:
Delete 40 from given Max Heap
Greatest child is 15 and is greater than 5, swap them and apply again on 5
This is final heap after deletion of element 40
Array -> arr
Last element position -> n
int Delete(){n--;int data = arr[0];swap(arr[0],arr[n])arr[0] = arr[n];int i;i = -1;int greatest = 0;while(greatest != i){i = greatest;if(arr[lchild(i)] > arr[greatest])greatest = lchild(i);if(arr[rchild(i) > arr[greatest])greatest = rchild(i);swap(arr[greatest],arr[i]);}return data;}
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